Homoeopathy - Down the years has emerged as the most promising science which not only annihilates the symptoms but also builds up the immunity of body & is fast becoming the first line of treatment due to it’s high order of efficacy and moreover no side effects.
British Royal Family Patronises it
Growing Yearly in Canada, Europe & USA
Fastest Growing Alternative Therapy in the UK
World Health Organisation Supports it (WHO)
45 % of the French Prefer it
40% of German Physicians Prescribe it
Famous Celebrities Endorse it
50% of Public Chose Homoeopathic Treatments in Most South East Asian Countries
Children love it
The Practice of Homoeopathy varies greatly from one area of the globe to another, depending on each country’s heritage. Historically, homeopathy developed mostly in European countries and North America. It should be noted that the use of homeopathy is more common with an educated public that is health conscious and open to natural practices.
Nevertheless, a significant evolution towards the practice of homeopathy can currently be observed all over the world.
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